War in Ukraine – Global Economic Impacts


The Russia-Ukraine war and its impacts on Brazil and the global economy – Otaviano Canuto

ILAS-Columbia 30 March 2022

The sound starts at minute 2:30

OTAVIANO CANUTO Global Impacts of War in Ukraine

The 3-min video summarizes the short-term impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the global economy


War in Ukraine and Sanctions against Russia : an endless boxing match ?

Is Moscow really risking being knocked to the floor, or can it land counterpunches? Will the removal of Russian banks from SWIFT, the international payment system, have the desired effect? Or is the real KO threatening the Russians, if Washington and the EU decide not to import any Russian oil and gas anymore? In this episode, Otaviano Canuto answers to questions on the effect of sanctions against Russia.


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Commodity Markets Outlook, Urbanization & Commodity Demand In partnership with the World Bank

On the day Russia invaded Ukraine

Policy Center for the New South

Rising commodities prices are a common concern whether at the consumer level, or large industrials and fortune 500s. While the evolution of consumer prices was close to 2% in the USA and stuck below 1.5% in Europe pre-COVID, with oil prices and the direction of industrial metals and agricultural raw materials prices in decline, the current situation is just the opposite. Since economies bottomed out in June 2020, energy prices and non-energy commodities including agriculture and metals have soared even begging the question of whether we are entering a commodity super-cycle. Originally, this movement was initiated by constraints on the supply side: ramifications of weather events on crops, reduced supplies as a result of sanitary measures, tight oil production quotas etc. Logistical operations were not spared by a global trade chaos: insufficient containers; the explosion of marine freight costs etc. Overall, tariffs soared at each step of products value chain which directly transmitted to production factors and prices. Since then, commodity markets were buoyed by a strong global demand recovery, fueled by a large urbanization movement that had been building up for decades, along with population growth, with the sharpest increase coming from emerging market and developing economies. In this framework, the Policy Center for the New South in collaboration with the World Bank, organizes a panel to discuss the main findings of the report; featuring both institutions experts.