Is It Finally Getting Easier to Do Business in Brazil?
Recent reforms have helped improve Brazil's business environment. Further changes could do away with the "Brazil cost" once and for all.
Recent reforms have helped improve Brazil's business environment. Further changes could do away with the "Brazil cost" once and for all.
Brazil’s future hinges on the implementation of smart, gradual, and coherent economic reforms that facilitate productivity growth and put the country on the path toward fiscal sustainability. Whoever wins the upcoming election has a responsibility to address that imperative.
The Brazilian economy is suffering from a combination of ‘productivity anemia’ and ‘public sector obesity’
The diffusion of knowledge and technology worldwide in recent decades has brought important changes to the global innovation landscape. But those changes could be much more profound if countries created more supportive investment environments.
As a growth strategy for low-income countries, the efficacy of traditional manufacturing is waning. To compete in the technology-driven global economy of the future, developing countries will need new models to increase productivity and put people to work.
Brazil’s labor and total-factor productivity (TFP) have featured anemic increases in the last decades (Canuto, 2016). As we illustrate here, contrary to common view, sector structures of the Brazilian GDP…
Brazil has been suffering from “anemic productivity growth”. This is a major challenge because in the long run, sustained productivity increases are necessary to underpin inclusive economic growth. Without…
Capital Finance International, Autumn 2016 Brazil’s GDP is poised to decline by close to 7% in 2015-2016. Per capita GDP in 2016 is likely to shrink by more than 10%…
Brazil has been suffering from anemic productivity growth. This is a major challenge because in the long run, sustained productivity increases are necessary to underpin inclusive economic growth.
Capital Finance International, spring 2016 World trade suffered another disappointing year in 2015, experiencing a contraction in merchandise trade volumes during the first half and only a low recovery…
Armen Ovanessoff and Eduardo Plastino of the Accenture Institute for High Performance interview Otaviano Canuto as part of a research project on collaborative innovation. As part of the Accenture Institute…
The Brazilian Economy For Brazil, “the motto must be pragmatism.” - Otaviano Canuto has observed the boom in Latin American exports of commodities from a variety of positions at the…
Brazil’s GDP performance has been lackluster since the post-crisis rebound in 2010. Prospects for 2013 look a little better: unemployment rates have remained low, and data from the first…
The metamorphosis of the dragon may involve painful growing pains, including the risks of a hard landing that many analysts attribute to the current transition. The forthcoming two decades are setting the next stage of a half-century that could be marked by dramatic economic transformation, creating both challenges and opportunities for China and the rest of the world.
Developing countries continue to face important challenges in boosting productivity growth in the difficult post-crisis environment, but also many opportunities to eliminate poverty and create shared prosperity.