Interview with Otaviano Canuto 2

Will the economy fail to perform in 2020 or is a recession at hand? Otaviano Canuto, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and Nonresident Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution, joins me once again to discuss the last quarter of 2019 and speaks about the chances for a recession in 2020. Additionally, he talks about corporate debt and the outlook for the housing market in 2020. Wages and employment will likely feel and impact in 2020. Join me for the complete interview with Otaviano Canuto right here on The Leader Campus Voices.

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Read more about the article Trump Tariffs Have Hurt U.S. Manufacturing Jobs
MISH TALK May 10, 2019

Trump Tariffs Have Hurt U.S. Manufacturing Jobs

The hike in tariffs imposed by the United States against its major trading partners since early 2018 has been unprecedented in recent history. President Trump alluded to, among others, the goal of revitalizing jobs in the country's manufacturing industry by protecting it from unfair trade practices of other countries, particularly China. However, according to a study by two Federal Reserve Bank staff - Aaron Flaaen and Justin Pierce - released last December 23, the effect so far has been just the opposite, i.e. a reduction in U.S. manufacturing employment!

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The Next Financial Crisis

More than a decade has passed since the Global Financial Crisis and the age of unconventional monetary policies has not ended. More recently, monetary policy has been eased in 70% of the world economy, negative yielding debt has reached US$ 15 trillion, financial conditions have eased and could ease further. As it tends to happen when very low interest rates and search for yield remain for long, financial system vulnerabilities have continued to build. We may well be on the verge of a new financial crisis. • Where are the key rising vulnerabilities in the global financial system? • Has the rise in debt of emerging and frontier markets spurred by global low interest rates and availability of external finance been matched with corresponding asset creation? • To what extent has heightened trade and policy uncertainty affected financial flows? • What should policymakers do to address rising financial vulnerabilities?

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The Leader Campus Voices interview with Otaviano Canuto (2)

This week's Voices interview (10/29/2019) is with Otaviano Canuto, of the Brookings Institute and the Policy Center for the New South - formally of the World Bank, as we visit him once again to discuss the economy. He speaks about the U.S. economy slow down and about the world economy, which could struggle after the Brexit event. Listen to his insight on this week's Leader Campus Voices.

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Nouveaux défis pour les institutions de Bretton Woods

Au cours de leurs 75 années d’existence, les institutions nées à Bretton Woods, que l’on appelle souvent les soeurs jumelles de Bretton Woods, se sont transformées, pour répondre à l’évolution de l’économie mondiale et aux défis que celle-ci a posés. Plus récemment, trois changements dans l'ordre international ont apporté une nouvelle série de défis: l'émergence de nouveaux pôles géo-économiques; la prédominance des politiques nationalistes par rapport au multilatéralisme; et la fragmentation du système des institutions plurinationales.

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Fed Monetary Policy, Inverted Yield Curve and Outlook for US and Global Economies

Since the Fed’s July meeting, when the Fed Funds Rate had a 0.25% cut, fears about the impact of the US-China trade war on the global economy have escalated. The US yield curve inversion received much attention as a harbinger of a slowdown in the global and US economic outlooks. We approach here whether lights on next monetary policy events can be obtained from reading the minutes of the Fed’s meeting – and of the July meeting of the ECB governing council – released this week.

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Fed Monetary Policy, Inverted Yield Curve and Outlook for US and Global Economies

Since the Fed’s July meeting, when the Fed Funds Rate had a 0.25% cut, fears about the impact of the US-China trade war on the global economy have escalated. The US yield curve inversion received much attention as a harbinger of a slowdown in the global and US economic outlooks. We approach here whether lights on next monetary policy events can be obtained from reading the minutes of the Fed’s meeting – and of the July meeting of the ECB governing council – released this week.

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Read more about the article China’s Rebalancing Act is Slowly Addressing Sliding Growth Figures
SAO PAULO, SP, BRASIL, 22-11-2016: Entrevista com Otaviano Canuto, diretor do Banco Mundial (Foto: Fabio Braga/Folhapress, MERCADO)***EXCLUSIVO***.

China’s Rebalancing Act is Slowly Addressing Sliding Growth Figures

  Capital Finance International (Spring, 2019) China’s economic growth has been sliding since 2011, while its economic structure has gradually rebalanced toward lower dependence on investments and current-account surpluses. Steadiness…

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New Challenges Faced by the Bretton Woods Institutions

In their 75 years of existence, the twin institutions born at the Bretton Woods Conference have undergone adaptation and transformation in response to the evolution of the world economy and the challenges it has posed to them. They will have to mutate and adapt to operate in a context of institutional fragmentation and possible arm-breaks between shareholders/members to continue fulfilling their missions.

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China’s Growth Rebalance with Downslide

China’s economic growth has been in a downslide trend since 2011, while its economic structure has gradually rebalanced toward lower dependence on investments and current-account surpluses. Steadiness in that trajectory has been accompanied by rising levels of domestic private debt, as well as slow progress in rebalancing private and public sector roles. As the ongoing trade war with the US continues to unfold, it remains unclear at which growth pace China’s rebalancing will tend to settle.

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