How Chinese Investment in Latin America Is Changing
Americas Quarterly - March 12, 2019 China's push for Latin American consumers reflects changes back home. Chinese financing in Latin America is changing. After becoming a major source of…
Americas Quarterly - March 12, 2019 China's push for Latin American consumers reflects changes back home. Chinese financing in Latin America is changing. After becoming a major source of…
O perfil e volume dos fluxos de capital chinês para a América Latina nos últimos 15 anos refletiram em grande medida a velocidade e a direção do crescimento naquele país
China’s economic growth has been in a downslide trend since 2011, while its economic structure has gradually rebalanced toward lower dependence on investments and current-account surpluses. Steadiness in that trajectory has been accompanied by rising levels of domestic private debt, as well as slow progress in rebalancing private and public sector roles. As the ongoing trade war with the US continues to unfold, it remains unclear at which growth pace China’s rebalancing will tend to settle.
Last December, Eric Ntumba and I were asked by the organizers of the 7th Atlantic Dialogues whether we could see spots of vulnerability to shocks in the global financial…
A trégua comercial entre os Estados Unidos e a China, anunciada após o jantar dos presidentes dos dois países em Buenos Aires no sábado, depois da reunião do G20, deve ser…
The US-China trade truce will become a time-out or an armistice pending on China's response regarding technology policy The trade truce between the United States and China, announced…
The possibility of mutually damaging financial volatility in the US and China may limit the extent of 'currency bullying' being used as a proxy in the countries' trade war. Nonetheless, rhetoric from Washington is likely to remain clamorous as the US trade and current account deficits rise and global imbalances worsen.
Globalization will help world realize innovative potential By Otaviano Canuto | China Daily | Updated: 2018-09-05 Globalization has come under fire in recent years, with people in some countries…
The diffusion of knowledge and technology worldwide in recent decades has brought important changes to the global innovation landscape. But those changes could be much more profound if countries created more supportive investment environments.
Global current account imbalances on the rise will likely lead to "currency bullying"
3 July 2018 - Otaviano Canuto How innovation can flow from globalisation il issue of the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook included a chapter on how globalisation has…
08 May 2018 - Otaviano Canuto The April issue of the IMF’s “World Economic Outlook (WEO)” included a chapter on how globalization has helped knowledge from technology leaders spread…
It is with great pleasure that ECON+ brings you another conversation with Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank, to continue this series of interviews on the global economy.…
19 April 2018 - Otaviano Canuto Manufacturing expansion has been a vehicle for job creation, productivity increases, and growth in non-advanced economies since the second half of the last…
O GLOBO Impactos negativos da guerra comercial entre China e os EUA geram pressão por diálogo Reação chinesa e turbulência nos mercados podem provocar a negociação entre dois países. Henrique…