Is It Finally Getting Easier to Do Business in Brazil?
Recent reforms have helped improve Brazil's business environment. Further changes could do away with the "Brazil cost" once and for all.
Recent reforms have helped improve Brazil's business environment. Further changes could do away with the "Brazil cost" once and for all.
Brazil’s future hinges on the implementation of smart, gradual, and coherent economic reforms that facilitate productivity growth and put the country on the path toward fiscal sustainability. Whoever wins the upcoming election has a responsibility to address that imperative.
The diffusion of knowledge and technology worldwide in recent decades has brought important changes to the global innovation landscape. But those changes could be much more profound if countries created more supportive investment environments.
3 July 2018 - Otaviano Canuto How innovation can flow from globalisation il issue of the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook included a chapter on how globalisation has…
08 May 2018 - Otaviano Canuto The April issue of the IMF’s “World Economic Outlook (WEO)” included a chapter on how globalization has helped knowledge from technology leaders spread…
Brazil has been suffering from “anemic productivity growth”. This is a major challenge because in the long run, sustained productivity increases are necessary to underpin inclusive economic growth. Without…
Brazil has been suffering from anemic productivity growth. This is a major challenge because in the long run, sustained productivity increases are necessary to underpin inclusive economic growth.
VoxEU Brazilian exports of goods and services have grown sharply in recent years, tripling since 2000. This column argues that Brazil’s export performance depends mostly on favourable geographical and sector…
As the global stock of ideas expands and diffuses across and within countries, technological learning is poised to become an even more important determinant of growth through its impact on innovation. This note reviews global trends that make a policy focus on technological learning and innovation more important than ever for developing countries. The note explores how the recent global financial crisis may affect these trends and outlines several implications of these trends for innovation policy moving forward. Developing countries would benefit from an increased policy emphasis on technological learning and the adoption of more efficient existing technologies to generate more and better jobs and higher standards of living.
Alex Uriarte has called our attention to the hampering effects of high levels of informality on productivity growth in Latin America. Informality distorts competition in domestic markets as it leads…