Moedas locais dos BRICS e a desdolarização

O uso crescente de moedas locais em pagamentos externos, nos BRICS ou fora deles, será parte do que já chamamos de “desdolarização devagar e limitada”. Como parcela das reservas globais, o dólar americano caiu de um pouco acima de 70% em 2000 para um pouco abaixo de 60% em 2022. Contudo, enquanto uma moeda local não for plenamente conversível, permanecendo sujeita a regulações restringindo a liquidez e a disponibilidade de ativos - como permanece sendo o renminbi - não cumprirá a função de reserva externa de valor para o grosso dos agentes na economia global.

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Public financing of green innovation: Matchmaking of offers and demand for financing + Economic and Political Impacts of COVID-19 on BRICS Countries

Public financing of green innovation: Matchmaking of offers and demand for financing - Relevant recent literature states that direct and pervasive public financing has been instrumental in the development of innovative technological trajectories. The reasoning builds on: (i) the presence of finance from public sources across the entire innovation chain; (ii) the concept of ‘mission-oriented’ policies that have created new technological and industrial landscapes; and (iii) the entrepreneurial and lead investor role of public actors, willing and able to take on extreme risks, independent of the business cycle. On the other hand, public financing depends largely on the availability of funds. The available capital (human or otherwise) for different jurisdictions is different, which may motivate a case for heterogeneity of policies regarding innovation funding. ------------------- Economic and Political Impacts of COVID-19 on BRICS Countries The event, organized by GEBRICS/USP and the Department of International and Comparative Law (DIN) of the Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo, aims to bring together professors, researches, specialists and diplomatic representatives from all BRICS countries

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Brics obsoleto? Os avanços e as fraquezas do ‘supergrupo’ de potências emergentes

  Brics obsoleto? Os avanços e as fraquezas do ‘supergrupo’ de potências emergentes Mariana Schreiber Enviada especial da BBC Brasil a Goa (Índia) 14 outubro 2016 Direito de imagemEUROPEAN PHOTOPRESS AGENCYImage captionOs…

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