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QE Tapering as a Wake-up Call for Emerging Markets

While unconventional monetary policies have been appropriately anti-cyclical in ACs implementing them, they have had inappropriately pro-cyclical consequences on EMs -- boosting credit and demand when most economies among the latter were already heated up, and threatening to accentuate a slowdown where it started to happen.

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Emerging Markets Selloff: What’s Next?

The adjustment to the “normalization” of the US monetary policy may end up being not as disruptive as many analysts are expecting. It will depend on the pace of recovery in the US economy and/or the smoothness of China’s adjustment-cum-slowdown . However, to fully overcome the current turmoil, EMs must not lose sight of their country-specific reform agendas.

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Currency War and Peace

The discussions at last month’s G-20 meeting of finance ministers were dominated by anxiety over so-called “currency wars.” But, to escape the crisis, global leaders must shift their focus to channeling the massive liquidity that advanced countries' controversial monetary policies have generated toward long-term investment financing.

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Ascent After Decline: Regrowing Global Economies After the Great Recession

The great recession of 2007-09 has left permanent scars in the world economy, and the global recovery has lost steam. Advanced economies are still struggling with high unemployment and debt, and the remarkable role that emerging markets have played as engines of the recovery is no longer certain. In this new book, co-edited by Otaviano Canuto and Danny M. Leipziger, more than a dozen distinguished contributors scan the economic horizon, spell out the new fiscal reality, and highlight the policy choices on which economic regrowth will depend.

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