The global economic crisis that broke out in 2008 has reawakened interest in fiscal policy. In the early stages of the crisis, there was a widespread turn to counter-cyclical fiscal stimulus. Furthermore, the recent euro area crisis has underlined the importance of long-term fiscal sustainability for macroeconomic stability. More subtly, the global crisis has also refocused interest in fiscal policy as an instrument for longer-term growth and development. In the potential “new normal” of continued sluggishness in the advanced world, developing countries have strong incentives to seek out new domestic engines for efficiency and productivity growth, as well as for greater equity in development. The potential of fiscal policy to promote these ends is therefore of great interest to developing country policy makers. This note focuses on that potential and provides an overview of how fiscal positions in developing countries have evolved in the wake of the crisis, as well as some emerging policy lessons. It then sketches a conceptual framework for thinking about the connections between fiscal policy and longer-term growth and development. Finally, this note highlights some findings about the connections between fiscal policy and development.
Fiscal Policy for Growth and Development with Milan Brahmbhatt, Economic Premise 91. October 2012.