Whither the Phillips Curve?

There is an international movement to tighten monetary and fiscal policies as a response to the global inflation phenomenon. Accordingly, global economic growth projections for 2022 and 2023 have been revised downward. As inflation will decline only gradually, given the price stickiness of its core components, there is likely to be momentarily a situation of stagflation, i.e. a combination of significant inflation and low or negative GDP growth. We discuss how the current global stagflation experience might develop into one of a soft landing, a sharp downturn, or a deep recession. The evolution will depend on how fast inflation responds downward to economic deceleration. We therefore suggest framing the response in terms of assessing to where major economies’ Phillips curves have shifted. Phillips-curve shifts will also reflect cross-border repercussions of country-specific policy choices. Furthermore, sudden abrupt deteriorations of financial conditions may cause additional moves in Phillips curves.

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Pandemic, War, and Global Value Chains

The debate on the viability of industrial policy design based on the fragmentation of global value chains, from a cost optimization perspective, did not arise first in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis but was present long before. This industrial policy design was justified by the great development of logistics and transport across the world’s industrial clusters, which allowed just-in-time manufacturing to become the main adopted production model. However, the disruption of logistics supply chains after the advent of the crisis has multiplied the voices calling for a review of the current model of the organization of value chains, in favor of reshoring or nearshoring. This widely shared perception remains rather unconfirmed by the facts. Indeed, it has been observed that the economic sectors that are most integrated into global value chains have experienced a faster recovery than the remaining sectors, which would mean that integration into global value chains can be a factor that accelerates recovery, and therefore guarantees resilience in the event of a major economic shock.

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Africafé : Evolving economic trends and the impact on African economies

In this episode, Otaviano Canuto talks about a perfect storm coming toward African economies. With inflation soaring and global uncertainty looming from a world economic perspective, Otaviano Canuto shares his thoughts on the crisis and his recommendations to mitigate the adverse effects of the crisis on the African continent.

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Recessão global parece a caminho

Há uma sincronia internacional no aperto de políticas monetária e fiscal. A probabilidade de retroalimentação de políticas monetárias restritivas é maior quando todas estão respondendo a um problema inflacionário que lhes é comum. A revisão para baixo nas projeções de crescimento global em 2022 e 2023 já tem sido notável.

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Podcast – Monetary policy, climate change and inequalities: should central banks expand their policy toolkit?

In the current context of persistent inflationary pressures and growing uncertainties about the economic outlook, many central banks have mainly focused on their mandate of price stability through more aggressive monetary policies. In addition, the growing concerns linked to climate change and inequalities have shaped the policy discussions related to expanding the traditional mandates of central banks (price stability and/or maximum sustainable employment) to take into account major ethical issues in the design and implementation of monetary policies such as climate change and inequalities. In this podcast, Otaviano Canuto, senior fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, shares his insights on the role of central banks in the current context and whether they should expand the monetary policy toolkit to include climate change and inequalities.

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Abertura comercial deveria ser prioridade para o Brasil

Cadeias produtivas mais enxutas e integradas para fora teriam como contrapartida maior capacidade de exportar e de prover domesticamente produtos melhores e mais baratos, podendo sua expansão compensar a menor densidade doméstica. Cabe sempre lembrar que, para além de ganhos de produtividade, em última instância a parte de baixo da pirâmide de renda brasileira seria beneficiária da abertura comercial.

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Whither China’s Economic Growth

Chinese economic figures released since August’s beginning have shown a slowdown in its growth. New Omicron coronavirus outbreaks in the context of the Covid-zero policy, the housing slump and heat waves have been decelerating the economy’s pace. China’s current growth slowdown is an additional step in the trajectory of gradually declining rates that has accompanied the “great rebalancing” since the beginning of the 2010s. One major difference now is the perception of exhaustion of waves of overinvestment in real estate and infrastructure as a lever, as compared to three previous moments since the beginning of the last decade.

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Por que o crescimento chinês vem desacelerando

Números da economia chinesa divulgados desde o início do mês mostram uma desaceleração em seu crescimento. Novos surtos de Covid-19 no contexto da política de Covid zero, a queda do setor imobiliário e ondas de calor vêm segurando o ritmo da recuperação econômica do país. Há uma percepção de esgotamento da alavanca de superinvestimentos imobiliários e na infraestrutura. As autoridades chinesas estão optando por salvaguardar sua economia das vulnerabilidades financeiras, mesmo que ao preço de um crescimento do PIB abaixo das metas oficiais.

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Is the U.S. Economy in Recession?

There are reasons to consider the US recession call as currently premature , even recognizing clear and undeniable signs of an economic growth slowdown at the margin. As suggested by the resilience of private consumption in the second quarter, the labor market remained tight. Markets have come to assign a high probability that the Fed will “pivot”, and reverse its tightening direction, given signs of an economic slowdown. It seems premature to bet on such a "pivot" by the Fed, and the recent refreshment of stock and bond markets tends to be reversed. Two points remain unclear: if the economy does indeed fall into a recession, how shallow or deep will it be? How rigid downward will the inflation rate measured by its core turn out to be?

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A economia dos Estados Unidos está em recessão?

Uma convenção comumente adotada é a de se chamar de “recessão técnica” quando se tem pelo menos dois trimestres consecutivos de redução do PIB. No entanto, há motivos para se considerar prematura tal declaração nesse momento, mesmo se reconhecendo sinais claros e inegáveis de desaceleração do crescimento na margem. A rigor, a trama da “novela do Fed” continuará tensa no futuro à frente, com dois pontos permanecendo obscuros: caso de fato a economia caia em uma recessão, quão rasa ou profunda esta será? Quão rígida para baixo se mostrará a taxa de inflação medida por seu núcleo?

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