O Fed mira o mercado de trabalho

Demanda por trabalhadores excede a oferta de trabalho disponível e afeta controle da inflação nos EUA. A julgar pela apresentação de Jerome Powell na semana passada, em Brookings, e pelos receios de espirais entre preços e salários, é no mercado de trabalho que será escrito o script da política monetária do Fed.

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EUA e China travam guerra por procuração nos semicondutores

Semicondutores estão no centro da atual rivalidade entre Estados Unidos e China. Dificultar a progressão da China na sofisticação da produção de semicondutores tornou-se peça central da política dos EUA em relação ao país. O caso dos semicondutores se encaixa como uma luva no que observamos nessa coluna como reversão da globalização nos segmentos de alta tecnologia considerados sensíveis desde um ponto de vista de segurança nacional. Com custos, ainda que considerados justificáveis por autoridades governamentais.

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Bridging Green Infrastructure and Finance

Development and the changing climate will both require a substantial increase in green infrastructure investment over the next few decades in emerging market and developing countries (EMDEs). The need for investments collides with limited fiscal space in EMDEs, an obstacle that has been aggravated by the multiple shocks faced by those economies in the last few years. At the same time, those investments potentially dovetail with excess financial savings in advanced economies (AEs). In this chapter, we explore how a bridge connecting excess savings in AEs and green infrastructure investment in EMDEs might be built.

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A strong dollar is contractionary for the global economy

The US dollar has risen dramatically in value against other currencies in the recent past. Three different channels through which factors affecting bilateral exchange rates operate have been pulling up the U.S. dollar: yield differentials, liquidity differentials, and growth differentials. The strong appreciation of the US dollar against other currencies in the recent past reinforced the contractionary pressures present in the global economy. Ultimately, the “turn” or “pivot” of the dollar will most likely occur when a “turn” or “pivot” occurs in US monetary policy, given the latter’s key weight on the determination of growth and yield differentials.

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Por que o dólar forte é contracionista para a economia global

O dólar norte-americano subiu dramaticamente no passado recente. Um fator maior subjacente à valorização do dólar está no maior rendimento em termos reais dos ativos norte-americanos em relação a outros. A forte valorização do dólar americano em relação às demais moedas, no passado recente, reforçou pressões contracionistas presentes na economia global. A valorização do dólar também traz um efeito compressivo sobre economias que tenham exposição elevada a passivos denominados naquela moeda. Portanto, o "giro" ou "pivô" do dólar só ocorrerá quando ocorrer um "giro" ou "pivô" na política monetária dos EUA.

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Will Latin America Return to Mediocre Growth After Shocks?

Latin America's recovery after the perfect storm should not be limited to a simple return to pre-pandemic "mediocre" levels of output growth. Investments in green infrastructure, exploring areas of digital connectivity opened by the pandemic, and improving the business environment and education can lead to more resilient, inclusive, and dynamic growth patterns.

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América Latina de volta ao crescimento medíocre após choques?

A recuperação da América Latina depois da tempestade perfeita não deveria se limitar a um simples retorno aos níveis “medíocres” de crescimento do produto de antes da pandemia. Investimentos em infraestrutura verde, exploração de áreas de conectividade digital abertas com a pandemia, assim como uma melhora nos ambientes de negócios e na educação podem levar à inflexão rumo a padrões de crescimento mais resilientes, inclusivos e dinâmicos.

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Whither the Phillips Curve?

There is an international movement to tighten monetary and fiscal policies as a response to the global inflation phenomenon. Accordingly, global economic growth projections for 2022 and 2023 have been revised downward. As inflation will decline only gradually, given the price stickiness of its core components, there is likely to be momentarily a situation of stagflation, i.e. a combination of significant inflation and low or negative GDP growth. We discuss how the current global stagflation experience might develop into one of a soft landing, a sharp downturn, or a deep recession. The evolution will depend on how fast inflation responds downward to economic deceleration. We therefore suggest framing the response in terms of assessing to where major economies’ Phillips curves have shifted. Phillips-curve shifts will also reflect cross-border repercussions of country-specific policy choices. Furthermore, sudden abrupt deteriorations of financial conditions may cause additional moves in Phillips curves.

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Pandemic, War, and Global Value Chains

The debate on the viability of industrial policy design based on the fragmentation of global value chains, from a cost optimization perspective, did not arise first in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis but was present long before. This industrial policy design was justified by the great development of logistics and transport across the world’s industrial clusters, which allowed just-in-time manufacturing to become the main adopted production model. However, the disruption of logistics supply chains after the advent of the crisis has multiplied the voices calling for a review of the current model of the organization of value chains, in favor of reshoring or nearshoring. This widely shared perception remains rather unconfirmed by the facts. Indeed, it has been observed that the economic sectors that are most integrated into global value chains have experienced a faster recovery than the remaining sectors, which would mean that integration into global value chains can be a factor that accelerates recovery, and therefore guarantees resilience in the event of a major economic shock.

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Africafé : Evolving economic trends and the impact on African economies

In this episode, Otaviano Canuto talks about a perfect storm coming toward African economies. With inflation soaring and global uncertainty looming from a world economic perspective, Otaviano Canuto shares his thoughts on the crisis and his recommendations to mitigate the adverse effects of the crisis on the African continent.

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Recessão global parece a caminho

Há uma sincronia internacional no aperto de políticas monetária e fiscal. A probabilidade de retroalimentação de políticas monetárias restritivas é maior quando todas estão respondendo a um problema inflacionário que lhes é comum. A revisão para baixo nas projeções de crescimento global em 2022 e 2023 já tem sido notável.

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