Don’t Blame Mother Nature
As my World Bank colleague Milan Brahmbhatt and I observed in a recent note, primary commodity exports remain crucial for most developing countries. When one takes a simple average across…
As my World Bank colleague Milan Brahmbhatt and I observed in a recent note, primary commodity exports remain crucial for most developing countries. When one takes a simple average across…
November marks the eighth anniversary of the Doha Development Agenda– the first multilateral trade negotiation under the auspices of the World Trade Organization. But what started as a real…
Once upon a (not long ago) time, there was a widely established set of blueprints for regimes of monetary and exchange rate policies expected to fit a full range…
In Times of Crisis, Women Can Be Agents of Change Gender Equality as Smart Economics Newsletter | October 2009 Gender Equality as Smart Economics sat down with OtavianoCanuto shortly after…
Picture a Latin American country sitting on US$350 billion of international reserves, while running current account deficit, fiscal deficit and paying an interest bill on public debt that hovers…
In PREM Note 141 released last week, Milan Brahmbhatt and Luiz Pereira da Silva point to several structural differences between the global economy today and in the 1930s that tend to…
Aggressive and innovative monetary and financial sector policy actions in developed economies have pulled the global financial system back from the brink of an abyss. But impaired assets are…
Like the rest of the world, the economic slowdown has not been favorable in Latin America. In general, exports are falling, unemployment is rising and the economic predictions are grim. Regional experts point to Honduras and Brazil as representing two different responses to the economic downturn
Squeezes of trade finance have been among the factors responsible for the recent collapse of trade. Those squeezes should be seen in the context of an overall “introspection” of…
Wilson Center - V Symposium on International Trade The V Symposium on International Trade this year took place right in the height of the global financial crisis,…
First appeared here: Globalization Team at the Institute of Development Studies (org.). Voices from the South: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Developing Countries, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, p.…
WILSON CENTER, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2008
It may seem odd that a relatively upbeat assessment of the prospects for securitization in Latin America (by Michela Scatigna and Camilo Tovar) has been released this month in the BIS…
As global financial markets undergo a new phase of repricing risks and normalization of global asset prices, after the peak of a Minsky credit cycle, the current (long or short) period of turbulence…
A lot has been said in recent years about why Brazil has high interest rates and we shall return to the issue. Let me today address one aspect of the latest…