Emerging Markets Lead in Job Recovery
One of the most distressing aspects of the frail economic recovery from the global crisis has been lagging job creation. In developed and developing countries alike, millions of people…
One of the most distressing aspects of the frail economic recovery from the global crisis has been lagging job creation. In developed and developing countries alike, millions of people…
Российская экономическая школа Published on Apr 11, 2012 New Schools of Economics, Moscow, Russia April 4, 2012 Public Seminar: Otaviano Kanuto (Vice President, Head of Poverty Reduction and Economic Management…
Perhaps it is not surprising that trade with emerging economies is often more complicated, time consuming, and costly than one would want. In addition to lacking some of the…
In over 70 countries, from financial centers in Malaysia to the Middle East, Islamic finance has been growing rapidly around the world. In fact, Shariah-compliant financial assets have increased…
The recent IMF recommendation for a second aid package to Greece—amounting to 28 billion Euros over the next four years—helped push through the biggest sovereign debt restructuring in history,…
ASCENT AFTER DECLINE: REGROWING GLOBAL ECONOMIES AFTER THE GREAT RECESSION Q&A transcript: Regrowing the Global Economy with co-editor and World Bank VP Otaviano Canuto The great recession of…
Otaviano Canuto | Economias emergentes e a crise econômica mundial Instituto de Economia da Unicamp Palestra em March 09, 2012 https://youtu.be/UnBxgMnxt40
As we mark International Women’s Day this week, let’s not be complacent. Over the past century, we have come a long way in increasing women’s voice, participation, and agency…
There is more the state can do to help drive post-crisis growth. In addition to its role in regulating financial systems, the state can play a very vital role as an investor in the knowledge economy by supporting policies and making investments that catalyze both market and firm growth.
Growth in emerging economies – and developing countries in general – has exhibited strong resilience to the downward pull from advanced economies. However, its full potential can only be tapped if all boats are lifted; if advanced economies also find how to ascend after declining.
The Impact of Competition Practices in International Commodity Markets Paris | February 16, 2012 Speech to OECD Global Forum on Competition on the impact of imperfect competition on the…
After the Second World War, advanced economies began an ambitious process toward capital account liberalization, which prioritized the liberalization of trade, the maintenance of fixed exchange rates, and a…
With a few exceptions, industrialized nations are still struggling with unemployment, unable to recover completely from the 2008 economic crisis. In the U.S. things seem to be improving as…
L'indice de la Banque mondiale est en recul de 8 % au dernier trimestre 2011. C'est une bonne nouvelle pour les pays pauvres importateurs de produits agricoles : la Banque mondiale constate une baisse des prix alimentaires et annonce que "la perspective de leur recul en 2012 est favorable
The great recession of 2007-09 has left permanent scars in the world economy, and the global recovery has lost steam. Advanced economies are still struggling with high unemployment and debt, and the remarkable role that emerging markets have played as engines of the recovery is no longer certain. In this new book, co-edited by Otaviano Canuto and Danny M. Leipziger, more than a dozen distinguished contributors scan the economic horizon, spell out the new fiscal reality, and highlight the policy choices on which economic regrowth will depend.