ECON+ Natural Resources Abundance: Blessing or a Curse?
Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank, once again is with ECON+ to continue this series of interviews on the global economy. This time, we tackle the topic…
Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank, once again is with ECON+ to continue this series of interviews on the global economy. This time, we tackle the topic…
One major policy issue in Brazil is how to boost productivity, while following a path of fiscal consolidation that will take at least a decade to bring the public-debt-to-GDP…
PILARES PARA O FINANCIAMENTO DE LONGO PRAZO NO BRASIL O financiamento de longo prazo na economia brasileira é peculiar. De um lado, agentes privados preferem aplicar em títulos públicos,…
The Heat: Crisis in Brazil Pt 3 CGTN America Published on Jun 1, 2017 It was less than a year ago when then Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was removed from…
Interactions between access to finance, product innovation, and labor supply are studied in a two-period overlapping generations model with an endogenous skill distribution and financial market imperfections. In the model lack of access to finance (induced by high monitoring costs) has an adverse effect on innovation activity not only directly but also indirectly, because too few individuals may choose to invest in skills. If monitoring costs fall with the number of successful projects, multiple steady states may emerge, one of which defined as a middle-income trap, characterized by low wages in the design sector, a low share of the labor force engaged in innovation activity, and low growth. A sufficiently ambitious policy aimed at alleviating constraints on access to finance by innovators may allow a country to move away from such a trap by promoting the production of ideas and improving incentives to invest in skills.
Canuto e Pedro Cristo debatem políticas públicas em realidades complexas Fecomercio SP Published on May 26, 2017 Otaviano Canuto, diretor executivo do Banco Mundial, e Pedro Henrique de Cristo,…
The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Robert Lighthizer as United States Trade Representative last week, rounding out President Donald Trump’s cabinet and giving momentum to his trade agenda. At…
ECON+ has, once again, the pleasure of bringing you an exclusive interview with Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank. This time, the article “What Happened To World Trade?” written by…
Reformas não vão ser remédio amargo para os mais pobres', diz brasileiro diretor-executivo do Banco Mundial Fernanda Odilla e Luis BarruchoDa BBC Brasil em Oxford (Inglaterra Direito de imagem CYNTHIA…
PORQUE A REFORMA DA PREVIDÊNCIA É NECESSÁRIA Três fatores tornam imperativo reformar a Previdência brasileira. Primeiro, o Brasil está envelhecendo rapidamente. A percentagem de sua população com mais de…
Last week the World Bank released a Staff Note (2017) analyzing the pension reform proposal sent last December by Brazil’s Federal Government to Congress. It concludes that (p.16, our emphasis): “……
ECON+ has, once again, the pleasure of bringing you an exclusive interview with Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank. This time, the article “The Mist of Central Bank…
Reforma trabalhista: o que dizem os que defendem que vai gerar empregos? Mariana Schreiber - BBC Brasil em Brasília 26 abril 2017 Direito de imagemAGÊNCIA BRASILImage captionReunião da Comissão Especial da…
The Mist of Central Bank Balance Sheets Otaviano Canuto | Mon, 24 April 2017 This podcast is performed by Mr. Otaviano Canuto. Central banks of large advanced and many…
Brazil has been suffering from “anemic productivity growth”. This is a major challenge because in the long run, sustained productivity increases are necessary to underpin inclusive economic growth. Without…