ECON+ Overlapping Globalizations
It is 2018 and ECON+ is delighted to start the year off with another fantastic conversation with Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank, to continue this series of…
It is 2018 and ECON+ is delighted to start the year off with another fantastic conversation with Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank, to continue this series of…
10 janeiro 2018 - Otaviano Canuto The cruise speed with which Latin American economies are starting 2018 will be constrained by low investments and weak productivity growth in the…
AMÉRICA LATINA EM VELOCIDADE DE CRUZEIRO … A maioria das economias da América Latina está entrando em 2018 em velocidade de cruzeiro. No ano passado, a região apresentou a…
A velocidade de cruzeiro com a qual as economias latino-americanas estão começando o ano de 2018 será restringida por baixos investimentos e pelo fraco crescimento da produtividade no passado…
Technological advances and the removal of trade barriers have generated sustained trade expansion over the last three decades. The falling cost of shipping and of managing complex production networks…
‘Estamos condenados a ter periódicas reformas da Previdência’, diz diretor do Banco Mundial Camilla Veras Mota - BBC Brasil em São Paulo 4 dezembro 2017 Image caption - Independentemente da discussão sobre…
A 4ª revolução industrial tende a reverter parte da exportação de empregos de economias avançadas para emergentes. Ao mesmo tempo, através da iniciativa “one belt, one road” –conhecida no…
The world economy – and emerging market and developing economies in particular – display a gap between infrastructure needs and its finance. On the one hand, infrastructure investment has…
Enlarge Chart There is a sizeable gap between the world economy's infrastructure needs and available financing. The shortfall is especially pronounced in emerging markets. Infrastructure investment has fallen short…
There is a sizeable gap between the world economy’s infrastructure needs and available financing. The shortfall is especially pronounced in emerging markets. Infrastructure investment has fallen short of what is needed to support…
Existe uma grande lacuna entre as necessidades de infraestrutura na economia mundial e seu financiamento disponível. A diferença é gritante em economias não-desenvolvidas. Com raras exceções, como a China,…
Não existe êxito importante em países com economias fechadas, diz Otaviano Canuto, do Banco Mundial. O diretor do Banco Mundial em Washington Otaviano Canuto diz claramente, nesta entrevista a Adalberto…
GLOBALISATION SERIES: FUTURE OF TRADE AND PROTECTIONISM Tue 24 Oct 2017 OMFIF Focus Podcast – Globalisation series: ‘Future of trade and protectionism’. Otaviano Canuto, executive director of the World Bank,…
What's at stake in the World Bank's quest for a capital increase? By Sophie Edwards, Michael Igoe // 13 October 2017 World Bank President Jim Yong Kim at the opening press conference during…
5 October 2017 - Otaviano Canuto Painful transition presages long-term benefits Brazil's judicial investigation into widespread government corruption has unveiled an expansive network of illicit relationships between small clusters…