Latin America can secure 2018 recovery

The slowdown in Latin America since 2012 has been accompanied by weak and slightly decelerating potential growth, reflecting sluggish productivity, scarcity of fixed investments and demographic changes. Positive global economic prospects for 2018, the regional cyclical recovery, and policy initiatives to lift productivity are presenting Latin America's leaders with the opportunity to alter that trajectory.

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Overlapping Globalizations

Current technological developments in manufacturing are likely to lead to a partial reversal of the wave of fragmentation and global value chains that was at the core of the rise of North-South trade from 1990 onward. At the same time, China – the main hub of the global-growth-cum-structural-change of that period – may attempt to extend the previous wave through its One Belt, One Road initiative.

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‘Estamos condenados a ter periódicas reformas da Previdência’, diz diretor do Banco Mundial

‘Estamos condenados a ter periódicas reformas da Previdência’, diz diretor do Banco Mundial Camilla Veras Mota - BBC Brasil em São Paulo 4 dezembro 2017 Image caption - Independentemente da discussão sobre…

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