Benefits and Costs of Opening Brazil’s Foreign Trade
08 August 2018 The Brazilian economy pays a price in terms of productivity foregone because of its lack of trade openness. A trade opening process would bring an adjustment…
08 August 2018 The Brazilian economy pays a price in terms of productivity foregone because of its lack of trade openness. A trade opening process would bring an adjustment…
Mad Hat Economics Podcast - Gender Equality Gender Equality For this episode we’re joined by Otaviano Canuto of the World Bank to talk about how gender equality promotes development. Hosted by…
A economia brasileira sofre custos elevados por ser muito fechada comercialmente, como aqui abordamos recentemente. O que o país produz poderia ser feito com maior produtividade e competitividade, mesmo que abdicando…
Global current account imbalances on the rise will likely lead to "currency bullying"
Números sobre o sistema financeiro divulgados pelo Banco Central na semana passada mostram que a gradual recuperação do crédito em curso vem também incorporando uma expansão no uso de…
3 July 2018 - Otaviano Canuto How innovation can flow from globalisation il issue of the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook included a chapter on how globalisation has…
World Bank failing to follow watchdog advice, says IEG report By Sophie Edwards // 18 June 2018 World Bank chief executive Kristalina Georgieva. Photo by: Simone D. McCourtie / World Bank / CC BY-NC-ND WASHINGTON…
A subida dos preços domésticos de derivados de petróleo, que serviu como estopim para a greve dos caminhoneiros, refletiu o repasse pela Petrobras da evolução internacional de seus preços,…
Doing More While Doing Better: Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2017 IEG WorldBankGroup Published on Jun 14, 2018 Following the recent capital increase and a record IDA…
FINANCIAL STABILITY SERIES: MONETARY INSTABILITY IN ARGENTINA Mon 4 Jun 2018 OMFIF Focus Podcast – Financial stability series: ‘Monetary instability in Argentina.’ Otaviano Canuto, executive director at the World…
Argentina and Turkey combine balance-of-payments fragility and exposure to dollar appreciation
What are the effects of disruptive technologies on global trade? To help us understand the economics in the tech revolution, we interviewed Otaviano Canuto, a Brazilian economist and Executive…
País terá de encontrar novo ponto de equilíbrio no câmbio, diz Canuto Diretor do Banco Mundial avalia que está havendo um ajuste global após longo período de oferta barata de…
Shrinking the Fed's large balance sheet THU, MAY 17, 2018 - 5:50 AM OTAVIANO CANUTO Washington AT its meeting in March 2018 the US Federal Reserve raised the target range…
Releasing high-level collateral may have easing effect