Para tornar Estado mais eficiente, economistas propõem reduzir estabilidade de servidor

  O GLOBO Para tornar Estado mais eficiente, economistas propõem reduzir estabilidade de servidor Documento com propostas para economia, políticas sociais e meio ambiente será entregue ao governo eleito Danielle…

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Sem mulheres, não há crescimento: A importância de promover a liderança feminina na América Latina

  06 novembro 2018 - Paula Tavares, Otaviano Canuto A América Latina vive um ano marcante sob vários aspectos (i). Por um lado, importantes eleições nacionais sendo realizadas em seis países, entre…

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Benefits and Costs of Islamic Finance

A certain parallel can be made with ESG investments with a performance below non-ESG portfolios that is more than compensated, from the standpoint of investors’ preferences, by ensuring adherence to certain principles as a value in itself. Sharia compliance may well be deemed as a benefit greater than any economic opportunity cost for those who favor its use.

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Threat of ‘currency bullying’

The possibility of mutually damaging financial volatility in the US and China may limit the extent of 'currency bullying' being used as a proxy in the countries' trade war. Nonetheless, rhetoric from Washington is likely to remain clamorous as the US trade and current account deficits rise and global imbalances worsen.

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