Acordo Mercosul-UE deve ser visto como ponto de inflexão, analisa Otaviano Canuto

A inclusão, no acordo, de compromissos com segurança alimentar, sustentabilidade ambiental, permanência no Acordo de Paris, direitos trabalhistas, direitos das comunidades indígenas e outros não deixam de reforçar uma associação brasileira ao estilo europeu de “globalismo”.

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UM BRASIL – Economistas avaliam o “desastre épico” da crise para a economia brasileira

Quando o UM BRASIL foi criado, há cinco anos, a economia brasileira ainda demonstrava sinais de que tempos difíceis estavam por vir. Desde então, entender a crise econômica e o lento processo de recuperação, bem como abrir espaço para propostas para a retomada sustentável do crescimento, têm sido alguns dos assuntos mais debatidos no canal.

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From ‘Rule of Law’ to ‘Law of the Jungle’: Global Trade seen through Twitter

Instead of "rule of (multilateral) law", the US's bilateral handling of its super-strong market condition (24 percent of global GDP) more closely resembles a “law of the jungle” where the stronger imposes with force its will on the weaker.

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Comércio internacional: do predomínio da lei para a lei da selva, analisa Otaviano Canuto

Em lugar de regras e “prevalência da lei”, o manejo bilateral pelos EUA de sua condição de mercado super-forte (24% do PIB global) mais se assemelha a uma luta na selva onde os mais fortes sobrepujam como querem os mais fracos. Em tal contexto, a confiança em negociações é menor, assim como a disposição de buscar integração por parte dos menores.

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The Sectors Chinese Investors Are Eyeing In Latin America

Chinese FDI in LatAm has grown strongly, expanding from almost nothing in 2005 to an estimated US$110 billion or more in 2018, amid a shift away from simply pumping resources into infrastructure, governments and state firms, Brazilian economist Otaviano Canuto wrote in an article for the Americas Quarterly.

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Middle Income Countries and Multilateral Development Banks: Traps on the Way to Graduation

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have two financing windows, with different terms, dedicated to low- and middle-income countries. Countries are presumed to cross those windows as their income per capita rises, with middle-income countries (MICs) eventually “graduating” to a non-client status once they reach some criteria. However, due to what may be called “middle-income traps”, such progression toward graduation has been limited to a small number of countries. In this paper, we suggest areas where the support by MDBs would yield highest results toward “graduation” of MICs. Item 1 reviews the criteria that have been used to justify graduation, whereas item 2 approaches two ways by which the possibility of “middle-income traps” impeding such graduation has been discussed in the literature. Finally, item 3 proposes an interface between MDBs’ support to MICs and the policy agenda to overcome middle-income traps.

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Read more about the article China’s Rebalancing Act is Slowly Addressing Sliding Growth Figures
SAO PAULO, SP, BRASIL, 22-11-2016: Entrevista com Otaviano Canuto, diretor do Banco Mundial (Foto: Fabio Braga/Folhapress, MERCADO)***EXCLUSIVO***.

China’s Rebalancing Act is Slowly Addressing Sliding Growth Figures

  Capital Finance International (Spring, 2019) China’s economic growth has been sliding since 2011, while its economic structure has gradually rebalanced toward lower dependence on investments and current-account surpluses. Steadiness…

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Traps on the Road to High Income

This note outlines two different ways in which the concept has been approached since its first use 12 years ago by Gill and Kharas (2007). One has been empirical, where search is made to identify – or deny - breaks or turning points in time-series data exhibiting “growth traps” for middle-income economies. The other one, closer to the way it was originally suggested, refers to the need of policy and institutional change for a country to keep climbing the income ladder after a transition from low levels. Traps are seen as shortcomings resulting from the absence of any of those policy and institutional changes considered key to gearing up the transition from middle- to upper-income levels.

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Read more about the article Economia global passa por momento delicado, mesmo sem recessão, segundo o FMI
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde speaks at the US Chamber of Commerce April 2, 2019 in Washington, DC. IMF Photo/Stephen Jaffe

Economia global passa por momento delicado, mesmo sem recessão, segundo o FMI

  Publicado em Poder 360, 05 abril 2019 Na próxima semana ocorrerá o Encontro de Primavera do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e do Banco Mundial, em Washington, neste 750 ano desde…

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