Global current account imbalances

After peaking in 2007 at around 6% of world GDP, global current-account imbalances declined to 3% of world GDP in the last few years. But they have never left entirely the spotlight, albeit acquiring a different configuration from that which marked the trajectory prior to the global financial crisis (GFC). This is not because they threaten global financial stability, but mainly because they reveal asymmetries in adjustment and post-GFC recovery between surplus and deficit economies, and because of the risk of sparking waves of trade protectionism. They also reveal the sub-par performance of the global economy in terms of foregone product and employment, i.e. a post-crisis global economic recovery below its potential.

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Bloated Central Bank Balance Sheets

There are good reasons to believe that there will be no return to the pre-QE configuration of balance sheets. First, the increasing global financial integration in the last few decades has imposed increasing challenges in terms of making liquidity management effective as cross-border volumes of capital flows have expanded significantly. Second, changes to financial regulation have induced private agents to alter their behavior and strategies. Finally, a new task has come under the purview of central banks: monitoring relationships between various benchmark curves—i.e., operating as quasi-market makers. As a spill-over from abroad, central bank balance sheets in some emerging market economies also bloated. The era of bloated central bank balance sheets seems to be a component of the “new normal”, even if they undergo some diet in the future.

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Secular Stagnation and the Big Balance Sheet Economy

Private balance sheets have risen relative to GDP in advanced economies in the last decades, in tandem with a trend of decline in long-term real interest rates. Asset-driven macroeconomic cycles, along with a structural trend of rising influence of finance on income growth and distribution, have become part of the landscape. Underlying secular trends of stagnation may also be suggested, making the macroeconomic dynamics dependent on the balance sheet economy getting bigger and bigger.

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The Pandemic Will Leave Scars on the Job Market

The pandemic is leaving a trail of unemployment, particularly affecting minorities, low-skilled workers and, in emerging markets and developing economies, women, who predominantly occupy jobs in contact-intensive services. Many of the practices adopted during the pandemic are likely to persist. The role of public policies will be central in the post-COVID-19 world, both in strengthening social protection - including through unemployment insurance and income transfer programs - and in the requalification of workers.

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Por que a pandemia deixará cicatrizes no mercado de trabalho?

O aumento na desigualdade da renda nos países avançados a partir dos anos 90 teve no progresso tecnológico uma de suas principais causas. Sua aceleração com a pandemia tende, portanto, a intensificar os desafios. De certo modo, cabe dizer que a pandemia está acelerando a história, mais que a mudando. O papel das políticas públicas será central nesse mundo pós-covid, tanto no reforço da proteção social —inclusive mediante seguros-desemprego e programas de transferências de renda— quanto na requalificação de trabalhadores. Em lugar de negar o avanço tecnológico, cabe mais ter o poder público ajudando na adaptação e na minimização do ônus das cicatrizes.

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A Possible Tug-of-war Between the Fed and the Markets

There appears to be a double divergence between the market and the Fed. The inflation projections embedded in bond prices remain above those presented by the Fed. In addition, there appears to be a discrepancy between the mode of action announced by the Fed and what the markets predict as the Fed’s ‘reaction function’. The 10-year rise in market yields this year has been more pronounced than in previous times of instability, such as the 2013 taper tantrum and the sell-off of government bonds. The Fed's current complacency in relation to long yields can always be superseded by a revision of such a position for the sake of stabilization, if volatility increases in the long part of the yield curve.

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Global inequality

The global trend towards increasing globalization since the 1990s seems to have had two different distributional consequences: income inequality between countries has declined, while economic inequality within countries has increased. However, technological progress has made the biggest contribution to rising income inequality over the past two decades. Domestic policies – fiscal policies, social protection - are the locus where inequality is to be tackled.

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A possível queda de braço entre o Fed e os mercados

Parece permanecer uma dupla divergência entre o mercado e o Fed. As projeções de inflação embutidas nos preços dos títulos permanecem acima daquelas apresentadas pelo Fed. Além disso, parece haver dissonância entre o modo de ação anunciado pelo Fed e o que os mercados preveem como “função de reação” pelo Fed. A atual passividade do Fed em relação aos juros longos pode sempre dar lugar a uma revisão de tal posição, a título de estabilização caso a volatilidade se acentue na parte longa da curva de juros.

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China’s economic rebalancing

China’s growth trajectory in the second decade of the century has been one of a rebalancing toward a new growth pattern, one in which domestic consumption is to rise relative to investments and exports, while a drive toward consolidating local insertion up the ladder of value added in global value chains also takes place. Services should also keep rising relative to manufacturing. Declining GDP growth rates from two digits in previous decades to 6% in 2019 - and likely lower ahead – would be the counterpart to rising wages and domestic mass-consumption, and to the transition toward higher weights of services and high tech. We point out two major challenges in the rebalancing. First, the transition toward a less investment- and export-dependent growth model has been taking place from a starting point of exceptionally low consumption-to-GDP ratios. Besides high profit-to-wages ratios, low levels of public social protection and spending lead to high household savings. An additional challenge comes from the lack of progress in rebalancing between private- and state-owned enterprises, something that is taking a toll on productivity.

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Trade globalization

In the 1990s and 2000s, the world manufacturing production to a substantial extent moved from advanced countries to some developing countries. This was the result of the combination of an increase of the labor supply in the global market economy, trade opening, and technological transformations that allowed for fragmentation of production processes. As a result, foreign trade expanded, and world poverty diminished. Such trade globalization process stabilized in the 2010s and tends to be partially reversed by the new wave of technological changes.

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Climbing a High Ladder – Development in the Global Economy

This book approaches the opportunities and challenges faced by developing countries to raise their per capita income levels during the recent phase of globalization. After dealing with the post-global financial crisis economic landscape in advanced economies, it deals with the windows of opportunity opened by trade and financial globalization for developing countries to climb the income ladder. Domestic preconditions for a developing country to benefit from those windows are then pointed out. China, Brazil, and Sub-Saharan Africa are presented as case studies. The book ends with an assessment of the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the global economy.

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Los desafíos que deja la pandemia según Otaviano Canuto

El exvicepresidente del Banco Mundial, Otaviano Canuto, analizó los retos que deja la pandemia a nivel mundial, las diferencias entre países desarrollados y subdesarrollados y los sectores donde pegó con más fuerza. El economista brasilero exdirector de la junta del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) analizó también la relación de Jair Bolsonaro con el expresidente Donald Trump y cómo puede evolucionar su vínculo con Joe Biden.

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O tamanho do pacote fiscal de Biden, por Otaviano Canuto

Segundo a Secretária do Tesouro, Janet Yellen, seria melhor correr o risco de excesso do que de insuficiência. Além disso, o novo regime de política monetária do Federal Reserve põe os 2% de meta de inflação como uma média, não como um teto forçando reações de política monetária para evitá-lo de antemão. Depois de longo período de inflação abaixo dos 2% mesmo em anos com baixo desemprego e juros no piso, as autoridades monetárias poderão se dar ao luxo de esperar algum tempo com inflação acima da média até ser compelidas a apertar os botões.

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The size of Biden’s fiscal package

According to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, it would be better to run the risk of excess than insufficiency. In addition, the Federal Reserve's new monetary policy regime puts the 2% inflation target as an average, not as a ceiling forcing monetary policy to act to prevent it in advance. After a long period of inflation below 2%, even in years with low unemployment and interest rates on the floor, monetary authorities can afford to wait some time with above-average inflation until they are compelled to pull the brake.

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