Supply Chain Disruptions and Bottlenecks Dampen the Global Economic Recovery

Scarcity of inputs and goods has been felt all over the world because of disruptions to global value chains since the beginning of the pandemic. Higher inflation has been a global phenomenon, even if with different intensities and multiple determinants. A mismatch between demand and supply can also be found in the energy price shocks. The running of supply chains in the U.S. has also been affected by an unexpected shrinkage in the workforce because of acceleration in retirements caused by the pandemic. The Fed's ‘wait-and-see attitude’—moving on to the tapering this year and likely small rises at the end of next year—is opposed by those who think the Fed is already behind.

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Cadeias de Valor Rompidas Esquentam a Novela do Fed, Escreve Otaviano Canuto

Fechamento de fábricas na China no começo do ano passado, confinamentos em muitos países e, em seguida, congestionamentos em redes logísticas de transporte de bens, restrições de capacidade diante de súbitos aumentos de demanda e escassez de mão de obra vêm afetando negativamente a disponibilidade de insumos e produtos no mundo inteiro.. O fato é que o cenário inflacionário começou a mudar com a perspectiva de que as rupturas nas cadeias de valor levarão algum tempo até ser consertadas, tomando no mínimo até a primeira metade de 2022.

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Permanent Output Losses From the Pandemic

Divergent recoveries  are leaving “lasting imprints”, with emerging and developing economies suffering deeper medium-term damage than advanced countries, on average. Most countries are now forecast to have lower GDP in 2024 than projected in January 2020 before the pandemic. This is different from crises associated with industrial or financial cycles common in history because, in those cases, in general, some period of above normal or trend growth will have occurred previously. In the pandemic there has been only the loss side.

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FMI aponta perdas permanentes de PIB com a pandemia

O FMI se referiu a “marcas duradouras” deixadas no curso das recuperações divergentes, com economias emergentes e em desenvolvimento apresentando no médio prazo danos mais profundos que a média entre países avançados. Há que se distinguir, de um lado, a perda permanente de PIB derivada da pandemia e, de outro, as consequências desta sobre sua futura trajetória. Crises associadas a ciclos industriais e financeiros sucedem períodos de crescimento; na pandemia, só há o lado da perda

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Building an Inclusive Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a halt to the expansion of Latin America’s middle class and pushed millions back into poverty. Reversing this pattern requires addressing the region’s vulnerability to economic shocks and strengthening countries’ resilience.

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Como descarbonizar a economia – entrevista com Otaviano Canuto

Uma das especialidades de Canuto foi o estudo acerca do desenvolvimento social e econômico. Questões como “como vencer a armadilha da renda média” sempre receberam grande atenção sua. Recentemente, passou a dar atenção ao desafio econômico global da transição para a economia de zero carbono. E foi sobre esse tema que ele conversou com a Convergência pelo Brasil.

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Risk mitigation tools to crowd in private investment in green technologies

In order to close the financing gap in green technologies, finding new mechanisms to enhance the participation of the private sector, combined with that of the public sector, in financing sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure is a must. In this context, some unlisted instruments are going to be needed to enhance financing of green infrastructures. Besides, the development of properly structured projects, with risks and returns in line with the preferences of the different types of investors and financial agents that make up the ecosystem of financing sources, would also help to close the private financing gap in infrastructure.

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Por que e como descarbonizar a economia

A transição para “zero” emissões envolverá três processos econômicos simultâneos. Antes de tudo, uma alteração significativa nos preços relativos de bens e serviços, com estes passando a refletir a intensidade de uso do carbono, cujo preço terá de subir de zero a patamares significativos. Adicionalmente, trabalhadores terão de ser realocados das atividades intensivas em carbono para seus substitutos verdes. Terceiro, haverá obsolescência acelerada dos estoques existentes de ativos físicos (máquinas e equipamentos, construções, veículos) e intangíveis associados a atividades intensivas em carbono. A contrapartida terá de ser o investimento acelerado nos novos ativos que lhes substituirão.

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The Road to Decarbonization

It will be necessary to accelerate the pace of global containment of carbon emissions if the expected increases in global average temperatures are to be kept below 2 or 1.5 degrees Celsius, with correspondingly less-dramatic climatic consequences. The transition to zero emissions will involve three simultaneous economic processes: change in the relative prices of goods and services, with prices starting to reflect the intensity of emissions of carbon; labor relocation; and asset value scrapping. The socioeconomic return from decarbonization must include preventing heatwaves, floods, hurricanes, droughts, floods, and storms like those of this year from becoming even more intense and frequent, the cost of which would involve even higher GDP losses for nations.

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Emerging market capital flows after Covid-19

With loose money supply and low returns in the developed world, emerging markets have become the destination of choice for investors looking for high yields. However, with much uncertainty remaining and inflation well above the Federal Reserve’s target rate, speculation of Fed tapering and market tantrums are gaining momentum. OMFIF is convening a panel to look at capital flows in emerging markets, addressing what happens when the cycle turns, the likelihood of capital flows reverting and asset and currency markets in the developing world.

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U.S. Bubble-Led Macroeconomics

Macroeconomic dynamics in the U.S. economy has increasingly become associated with asset price fluctuations in the past few decades. Financial conditions have increasingly become an influential factor shaping the cyclical pace of the macroeconomy. There has been a mismatch between rising financial wealth and the pace of creation and incorporation of new assets. Several secular stagnation hypotheses offer explanations for the insufficient creation of new assets. Public debt—and its partial monetization by central banks—has played a stabilizing role by boosting the net supply of assets available to accommodate the demand for financial assets. The U.S. big balance sheet economy has been on a growth path highly dependent on the continuity of low real interest rates, as well as stretched price-earnings ratios of stocks and high corporate debt. Periodic episodes of downward adjustment of asset prices have been countervailed with lax monetary policies.

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Helicopter Reserves to the Rescue

A new allocation of US$650 billion in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to its member countries has entered into force last Monday. The extraordinary character of the allocation initiated this time is seen in the fact that its amount corresponds to more than double the sum of all allocations made to date. As allocations follow country IMF quotas, relief for those in need of reserves will come as an excess in other cases. The IMF set out to find ways in which countries with SDR surpluses can voluntarily channel them to those in need.

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Reservas internacionais chegaram de helicóptero, escreve Otaviano Canuto.

Uma nova alocação de US$ 650 bilhões em Direitos Especiais de Saque (DES) do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) para seus países membros entrou em vigor na última segunda-feira 23. O caráter extraordinário da atribuição iniciada desta vez traduz-se no fato de o seu valor corresponder a mais do dobro do somatório de todas as atribuições efetuadas até à data. Como as alocações seguem as cotas dos países do FMI, o alívio para aqueles que precisam de reservas virá como um excesso em outros casos. O FMI decidiu encontrar maneiras pelas quais os países com superávits de DES possam canalizá-los voluntariamente para os necessitados.

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